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What it could be
By Vasana Kearney
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2020 - Division III (Grades 9-12)

My name is Vasana Kearney, and this is my entry into the Our Earth, Our Home contest. My entry is a symbol of how our planet is suffering from negative impact. Studies show that the Earth is getting warmer, and it’s nearly impossible to reverse it. Many people are doing things to help the environment, but is it enough? Is it enough when other people don’t follow through with it? Is it enough when people ignore these protests and ideas? The answer is simple. It’s not enough to help our planet, but it is a great start. As long as certain people continue to pursue the Earth’s wellbeing, our future will be comfortable, but it could be better. The Earth’s wellbeing is very important to me because our planet is going through very bad environmental problems such as littering, pollution, global warming, and many more. This will raise awareness for the condition of the Earth, and it will make people want to change for the better. This is a visual representation of what the Earth could be and what it actually is. According to studies, nearly 200-2000 species goes extinct each year, and many of them are due to the fact that humans can’t control their selfish behavior of wanting money and destroying these beautiful animals home. These are the type of situations that I want to prevent. This relates to the theme because it shows how our planet is suffering from negative impact. The government and individuals need to come together to provide and save the Earth. We canmake the world better place and other people aware of the consequences our actions can make. We can teach each other to contribute to the Earth. If we do these actions, we can save our planet and make it a brighter place.