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Coral Bleaching
By Karina Hans
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2020 - Division II (Grades 4-8)

I made my painting look like coral bleaching because the waters are getting bleached by humans and plastics. I wanted to show this in my artwork to connect to the theme Our Earth, Our Home to show we should not do that. This issue is important to me because most of the Earth is made up of water. If we destroy our water we destroy us and all living things around us because they all depend on water to live. Since it's about water, dfor my background I used watercolor. I made my coral out of acrylic paint. To show coral bleaching I only made one area of coral with color. I added another layer watercolor on top of the canvas to add texture and also to make the acrylic paint blend in more. My goal is make people see this is what could happen to our water if we're not careful. There's also no animals or living fish around it so I how it shows people to be careful because this is what could happen in years to come.