No Time to Waste.
Eco-Art Competition 2021.

Calling all artists ages 5-22. Use your creativity to help sustain our world!

*Submissions received must be in English

* Due to U.S. regulations, cash prizes awarded outside of the United States are subject to review and may not be eligible for cash award.

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Nature's Hourglass
By Raven Talley
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2021 - Division III (Ages 14-18)

Nature’s Hourglass Change is coming, whether you like it or not. Our beautiful planet is in danger, our time is running out, but for the sake of a better economy many are putting our climate and nature last. We are putting industrialization over the health and well-being of our nature. Nature that keeps us alive, breathing, living. There is no middle ground: either you are on one side or the other. Either you are helping our planet or hurting it. And we all have a side to choose, a side that the majority of us will take over the other. Like the sands in an hourglass that pour over because of gravity, there is a force just as strong moving us toward one direction. Which direction? Sadly, that is up to the majority of us. Many adults say it’s up to us the children to save our home, but I say there’s not enough time, the adults in power have to act now. That force that moves us is ourselves and maybe if most of us acts and raise more awareness now, the hourglass can turn back into the right side, the side that gives us more oxygen, more vegetation, more life. I want to be able to tell my children in the future and even my grandchildren that we raised enough awareness to wake up back in 2021 when things were so hard to manage. I want to say we did it, and that thanks to that we do have still a future when the time was so crucial.