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Contest is finished!

By Carolyn Guan
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2020 - Division III (Grades 9-12)

When we think of the earth, we think of the blue and green orb that we’ve seen from outer space. We think of the many diverse ecosystems that are constantly working together like clogs of a clockwork. Sea Turtles are one essential part of the aquatic ecosystem we call the ocean, their population supporting and maintaining the other organisms growing in that ecosystem. My artwork aims to reveal the dangers and foreshadow the effects of human littering on turtles. The natural nesting habitat of turtles is being run over by humans, and even when they swim in their ocean, they go through the danger of being killed due to fishing and other human recreational activities. I remember as a child, Dolphin Tale, was one of my favorite movies. It explained the vulnerability of sea creatures that ended up getting injured by humans. In the movie, the dolphin ended up healing due to humans, but in reality, many animals end up dead due to these human blunders. This reality is portrayed by the rise in littering on beaches (even though it should be on a decline.) Using different values to develop the ominous presence of the turtle skeleton, we show the juxtaposition between the innocent naivety of the baby sea turtles and the looming fate that awaits them. The placement of the skeleton and the direction of the baby sea turtles’ path all connect, much like an invisible string of fate. By associating these different elements, it forces people to see the reality in front of them, how we are destroying the earth we love and know. This evokes repulsive and overwhelming emotions as the ones to blame for such a tragic fate are humans. The final destination of the turtles is in our hands.