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Why Break What Others Have to Recreate?
By Madison Bain
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2020 - Division II (Grades 4-8)

In my art piece I used color, line, balance, and space. I chose to do this art competition because it really speaks to me. I love the Earth and would want nothing bad to happen to it. I see people leaving trash everywhere, populating the air and water, killing the life on earth, and also just in general taking mother nature for granted. I want to help make our home the Earth clan once again and hopefully people will think the same.I hope that when people look at this piece and they will want to help as well. In 2 of the same world I show good v.s. Bad, what will happen if we clean v.s. What will happen if we don't clean. We spend so much money cutting down trees and trashing the earth because we think it will benefit us but it doesn’t help it only hurts us. Just like Martin Luther King Jr. said I have a dream that one day that people will start stop taking the earth for granted, that people will understand what they are doing to the earth there own home that one day there might not be an earth for them to trash.